Club Supreme: Behind The Scenes

Why do you do what you do?
Andraste&Co do what they do because we have the power to. As someone …
Why do you do what you do?
As an artist, she hopes to gain liberty from ‘Sugar, Honey, Ice, Tea’. …
What’s your role in SparkFest?
Jodi is a part of Andraste&Co Theatre Company’s ‘Sugar, Honey, Ice, Tea’, acting in the …
What’s your role in SparkFest?
Esther is a part of Andraste&Co Theatre Company’s ‘Sugar, Honey, Ice, Tea’, acting in the …
What’s your role in SparkFest?
Joe Deighton is a part of Andraste&Co Theatre Company’s ‘Sugar, Honey, Ice, Tea’, acting in …
What’s your role in SparkFest?
Joanna was a part of the rehearsal process for ‘Sugar, Honey, Ice, Tea’ with Andraste&Co …
What’s your role in SparkFest?
Alex was a part of the rehearsal process for ‘Sugar, Honey, Ice, Tea’ with Andraste&Co …