BA Acting Showcase Two: 31st May

The second in a three-part series of short films created by our graduating acting students, who have worked tirelessly in exceptional circumstances to explore the collaborative process of making new performances, either from an existing text or entirely new work. You will see a wide range of practice and diverse creative approaches that reflect their unique artistic interests and commitment to engaging audiences in themes of contemporary significance. Find out about each of the pieces below.

Showcase Two premieres on the 31st May and is available to watch again Here.

Showcase Breakdown

Our Nation’s Pride: The Platinum Jubilee

With King Edgar’s platinum jubilee just around the corner, Our Nation’s Pride looks under the crown at the real people who serve our country; our royal family.

Object to Desire

I’ve always been told I can be anything I want to be, but that doesn’t mean I have to be everything.


LIQUID is an experimental film, an enquiry into personal expression. The deconstructive nature of this piece exposes the traditional gender binary, and explores the possibilities which can be found outside of it. LIQUID is where oppression and conformity meet freedom and celebration. A revelation isn’t it?


6000 miles apart Hannah and Dean navigate the new world of a long distance relationship. With life moving at different speeds and communication not always easy, what will bring the couple closer together and what might tear them apart?


Newlyweds Esther and Seamus face one of their first challenges as a married couple. Being apart. Alone in their shared home, Esther yearns for her husband, but what if he isn’t the man she believes him to be?

Riches by Lee Blessing

David and Carolyn Rose would seem to have it all–a generous income, two expensive cars, and years of wedded bliss. On their anniversary the couple check into a vintage hotel. Their seemingly serene relationship crashes with terrifying speed, and the night ends in a scene of shocking violence.

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Posted by the SparkFest team.