New Futures: Xiesiwen XU

Hi Xiesiwen XU! Can you briefly introduce what you do? 

During SparkFest 2023, I showed a live performance called Roots

New Futures: Mollie Biddlecombe

Hi Mollie! Can you briefly introduce your creative practice? 

Hi, I’m Mollie and I’m originally from Southampton. I’ve been training …

New Futures: Harvey Aylmer

Hi Harvey! Can you briefly introduce your creative practice? 

Well, my creative practice all begins with where I work. I …

New Futures: Violet Wong

Can you briefly introduce yourself and your work in SparkFest? 

As a musician, I often contemplate how to connect my …

Joe Makarov

Joe Makarov

John Barbour

John Barbour

Ryan Carroll

Ryan Carroll

Fred Holt

Fred Holt

Ashley Kelberman

Ashley Kelberman

Tegan Friend

Tegan Friend